Friday, December 10, 2010

Kibaki brushes off US cables as 'childish'

President Mwai Kibaki goes through the details of the completed Dundori-Ol Kalaou-Njabini (c69) Road before he officiated its opening at Miharati Trading centre in Nyandarua County.. PHOTO / PPS

President Mwai Kibaki goes through the details of the completed Dundori-Ol Kalaou-Njabini (c69) Road before he officiated its opening at Miharati Trading centre in Nyandarua County.. PHOTO / PPS

President Kibaki on Friday trashed US diplomatic cables leaked by whistleblower site Wikileaks which had described his coalition with Prime Minister Raila Odinga anti-reformist.

The President termed the Wikileaks expose’ as childish and inconsequential, a similar response to that issued earlier in the day by his coalition partner Mr Odinga.

“Let those who write, write, and if they have a problem with us they can write even more. Kenyans judge the work my government has done by tangible gains not from such nonsense. I urge leaders to focus on delivering services to Kenyans while in office and disregard such outbursts," said the President who is on a tour in Kenya's central province.

The President made the remarks after opening the Sh 3.5 billion Dundori-Ol Kalou-Miharati-Engineer-Njabini road constructed by China's Wu Yi Company.

Kibaki administration has largely been pro-China, though the dismissive response to the leaked US diplomatic cables could also be indicative of reluctance to antagonise relations with America.

Roads Minister Franklin Bett, who accompanied the President in the tour, commended Wikileaks founder Julian Assange for his expose’ saying it had enabled Kenyans know what United States government deemed Kenya within it diplomatic’ circles.

Members of Parliament present also termed the reports as untrue and provocative. They included David Ngugi (Kinangop), Erastus Mureithi(Ol Kalou), Peter Njuguna (Lari), Lee Kinyanjui (Nakuru town) and Jeremiah Kioni (Ndaragwa).

They said President Kibaki was a reformist whose performance in office was best seen from the work done in schools where millions are leaning free of charge from primary to secondary school.

“Kenya is the only country in Africa that successfully and peacefully got a new constitution under President Kibaki. Can anyone be justified
to describe him as corrupt and anti-reform? Posed Naivasha MP John Mututho.

The Sh 3.5billion road will be extended to join the Nakuru-Nairobi highway at Lanet.

Mr Bett added that international road links such as the Athi River-Namanga-Arusha on the Tanzania border would be completed soon while the Isiolo-Merille_Turbi road connecting Kenya to Ethiopia and the Kitale-Lodwar road linking Kenya to Southern Sudan was also being
worked on.

By James Kariuk (daily Nation)

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